How to add recent post widget with thumbnails for blospot blog.

A recent post widget is an important widget for all kind of blog. Because it is really  helpful for your visitors. A popular post widget has been provided by Blogger platform. It will sort your post according to their popularity. But here I will give you a Recent post widget which can be helpful to visitors find your last few articles. Adding this gadget is very easy.  Follow the steps given in the below.
1. Log in to Blogger dashboard, go to Layout and click on Add a         Gadget link.  

2. From the pop up box scroll down and choose HTML/Java script. 
3. Next paste the code given in the below inside the empty box. 

-Replace with your blog address. (slash mark "/" is important after the link) 
-By default, widget is set to show 5 recent posts. You can change it to as you wish by changing the 5. 
4. Now save your gadget. 

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