How to hide the terrible Search box on the Windows 10 task bar..

You would think that the Microsoft would have learned their errors and mistakes that cause to failed Windows 8 OS. But unfortunately there is a terrible trouble at the beginning of Windows 10 generation. It is your awful Search box. Really this is a thing that you don't allow in Windows 10 at the beginning.  Therefore  you should use the feedback app to tell Microsoft about this terrible search box. 

 Removing the search box.
  1. First thing is you will have to download and install AutoHotKey which is luckily easy to install and use. 
  2. Next, open up a file explorer window and simply type shell:startup in the address bar and  then, right click and create a new AutoHotkey script. 
  3. After that right click and select Edit and paste the code below into the end. Control, Hide, , Search, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd                                                       
  4. If you do above step correctly, finally your code should look like this, unless your search bar will not hide. 
  5. Save,Exit and double click on the script. It will instantly hide the Search box, but unfortunately, empty space will still be there. 

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